Issue #27: When Two is Better Than One – May/June 2017

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The Switch has arrived! And in looking for a common thread running through the releases coming just over the horizon for the new two-in-one hybrid machine, the number 2 just kept popping up. Splatoon 2! Xenoblade Chronicles 2! SteamWorld Dig 2! Even the 3DS jumped in to support the trend, as its next major release is Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia, a full remake of the second-ever Fire Emblem game (and with two protagonists instead of just one). So this edition of NF Magazine is brought to you by the number 2!

“When Two is Better Than One” is the theme this time around, and of course that meant we needed two central features. The first is “When 2 Was Better Than 1,” taking a look at those moments throughout Nintendo history when sequels arrived that surpassed their predecessors – as many hope our cover game, Splatoon 2, will do. The second is “When Two Players Were Better Than One,” turning back the clock to games from the past that helped the members of our NF team personally connect with co-op gaming.

And, as always, we’ve got News, Previews and Reviews for you all, which is especially exciting this time around because we’ve got our first wave of Nintendo Switch evaluations to share! From The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild to 1-2-Switch (see, there’s a 2 again), we’ve had a blast jumping into Nintendo’s new chapter. We hope you’ve been having fun too! (If you’ve been able to track down a Switch, that is!)

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Issue #27: When Two is Better Than One – May/June 2017
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