OK, everyone get the voice of the Count from Sesame Street in your mind. Ready?
“One. Two. THREE!”
Yes, 3 is the number of the day, as this edition of Nintendo Force has been made to mark a truly unique moment in video game history. For the first and probably only time ever, Nintendo is publishing three “3s” back-to-back-to-back.
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 on July 29. Splatoon 3 on September 9. Bayonetta 3 on October 28!
I mean, what are the odds of three separate series all having their “3” games line up just like that? (In less than three months!?) You know how much we love to see a good common thread running through Nintendo’s releases, and this one was just too obvious not to honor.
So, to celebrate this unique numerical nexus, we’ve put together The Rule of Three, an NF issue brought to you by the number 3. We have new coverage of our three cover games: a review (in progress) of Xenoblade Chronicles 3, and fresh previews of Splatoon 3 and Bayonetta 3. Then we’ve got reviews of other “3” games (or “Three” games), including Azure Striker Gunvolt 3, River City Saga: Three Kingdoms and Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes. Our main feature looks at some of the most prominent threequels in Nintendo history to ask “was the third time the charm?” and a secondary feature presents our wishlist for “3s” we still hope to see. The Retro section hosts articles on three different “3” games as well, and our Interview with Arc System Works’ Kenji Sato circles back around to River City Saga: Three Kingdoms once more.
Hopefully all of this adds up to one fun reading experience!